RIESTER Advertising Agency Website Redesign


Overhaul of the RIESTER website into a modern, visually stunning and functionally robust platform through the WordPress CMS.

Case Study: RIESTER Advertising Agency Website Redesign


RIESTER, a leading advertising agency, embarked on a strategic initiative to elevate its online presence and showcase its diverse portfolio of campaigns and assets. The goal was to create a dynamic, user-friendly website that not only highlighted RIESTER's creative prowess and award-winning campaigns but also facilitated efficient management and updating of content. As the lead developer on this project, my role was pivotal in transforming their vision into a functional and visually appealing reality.

Custom Organization of Campaigns and Assets

To meet RIESTER's unique content organization needs, I implemented custom WordPress post types and several taxonomies. This customization allowed for a structured and intuitive arrangement of campaigns and assets, ensuring easy navigation for both internal stakeholders and external visitors. The tailored solution reflected RIESTER's brand identity and streamlined content management for enhanced efficiency.

Custom AJAX Filter and Pagination

A key feature of the website was the implementation of a custom AJAX filter and pagination system for campaigns and assets. This dynamic functionality enabled users to filter content based on custom fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields plugin as well as the custom taxonomies, providing a highly personalized and responsive browsing experience. This solution not only improved user engagement but also showcased RIESTER's commitment to innovation in both design and functionality.

Custom Profile Pages for Partners

Understanding the importance of showcasing the expertise and leadership within RIESTER, I developed custom profile pages for the partners. These pages seamlessly integrated with the overall design and allowed for the presentation of individual partner profiles, highlighting their contributions and achievements. This personalized touch reinforced RIESTER's commitment to transparency and building client relationships.

Responsive Design for All Devices

Recognizing the prevalence of diverse devices used for web browsing, I ensured that the website looked visually appealing and performed optimally across all screen sizes. The implementation of a responsive design approach guaranteed a consistent and enjoyable user experience, irrespective of whether visitors accessed the site from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

CEO-Friendly Content Management

To empower RIESTER's CEO with the ability to update content independently, I focused on creating an intuitive and user-friendly content management system. This involved implementing a straightforward backend interface, providing clear instructions, and incorporating user-friendly features. The result was a website that not only met high design standards but also facilitated seamless content updates without requiring technical expertise.


The RIESTER Advertising Agency website redesign project successfully delivered a visually stunning and functionally robust platform. The custom organization of campaigns and assets, coupled with innovative features like the AJAX filter, elevated the user experience and demonstrated RIESTER's commitment to staying at the forefront of technology. The responsive design ensured accessibility across devices, and the CEO-friendly content management system empowered RIESTER to maintain an up-to-date and engaging online presence. The project showcased my ability to translate client requirements into a cohesive and effective digital solution, contributing to RIESTER's continued success in the competitive advertising landscape.

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